• Soybean and bees

Soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) are host of several insect pests along its cycle, since germination to the maturity stage. Exception made for the germination to seedling stage, soybean yield and the quality of seeds and grains are far more affected during the reproductive stage when pods are present, as compared to the vegetative or flowering stages. Pests attacking soybeans during the vegetative stage are chiefly defoliators (lepidopterous and coleopterous), while pod feeders (stinkbugs and pod feeders or pod borers) are more important from pod set to maturity. During the flowering period, before pod set, only defoliator insect pests are considered harmful to soybeans. Nevertheless, this is not true for indeterminate cultivars, because there is an overlapping period of ca. 15-20 days of blooming with pod set and fill and even the beginning of seed fill. In this case, pod feeders, especially stinkbugs, may show up large populations, beyond the action level, requiring a pest control measure. In this moment, care should be taken to avoid or minimize the impact over pollinators. The Soybeans and Bees book aims to deeply review and discuss the pollination process in soybeans, whose recent increasing productivity, founded on technological innovations, depends on efficient crop management. Soybean is the most important crop in the country, occupying large areas, constituting the highest consumption of pesticides - aspects that can negatively affect the ecosystem service of pollination, which, on the other side, benefits other cultures growing in adjacent agricultural landscape. An aspect that should also be considered is that soybeans is a cleistogamic plant, with low rate of cross pollination, but some studies point out to benefits when bees consistently visit their flowers, an aspect that must be definitively clarified.

Código: L999-9788570355928
Código de barras: 9788570355928
Peso (kg): 0,400
Altura (cm): 27,90
Largura (cm): 21,60
Espessura (cm): 1,00
Autor Gazzoni Luiz
Editora Embrapa
Encadernação BROCHURA
Páginas 147
Ano de edição 2016
Faixa etária

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Soybean and bees