• Cabins

Ever since Henry David Thoreau''''s described his two years, two months, and two days of refuge existence at Walden Pond, Massachusetts, in Walden, or, Life in the Woods (1854), the idea of a cabin dwelling has seduced the modern psyche. In the past decade, as our material existence and environmental footprint has grown exponentially, architects around the globe have become particularly interested in the possibilities of the minimal, low-impact, and isolated abode.

Código: L999-9783836565011
Código de barras: 9783836565011
Peso (kg): 1,050
Altura (cm): 19,50
Largura (cm): 14,00
Espessura (cm): 4,40
Autor Jodidio Philip
Editora Taschen
Encadernação CAPA DURA
Páginas 640
Ano de edição 2018

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  • Jodidio Philip

  • Taschen

  • Vendido e entregue por leitura.com
  • Estoque: Indisponível para venda

  • Data de lançamento: 01/01/2018

  • Ranking dos mais vendidos:

  • #94846 em Livros

  • #1212 em Arquitetura