• Tunga: the body in works

Following the exhibition TUNGA: O CORPO EM OBRAS [THE BODY IN WORKS], MASP publishes a catalogue wiith images of all the works featured on the show, texts from the curators e new essays by Marta Martins and Catherine Lampert, together with the republication of historical texts on Tunga''s works by Ronaldo Brito e Suely Rolnik.

Código: L999-9788531000393
Código de barras: 9788531000393
Peso (kg): 0,742
Altura (cm): 25,30
Largura (cm): 18,50
Espessura (cm): 1,90
Autor Catherine Lampert
Editora MASP
Encadernação CAPA DURA
Páginas 192
Ano de edição 2017

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Tunga: the body in works