• Horses

Horses, just horses, sans riders, saddles and bridles— unless they’re in a stall, it’s not something you see much anymore. But this is precisely what Tony Stromberg, equine photographer extraordinaire, gives us. He photographs these graceful animals in a pure and natural way that no other photographer can match. And now, his most beautiful shots are collected in one breathtaking photo book: Horses. Whether they’re in stalls, in the paddock, or in fields and woods—Stromberg employs a perfect balance between light and shadow, unique composition, and a superlative feel for the right moment to make these majestic animals come alive, creating an authentic homage to a glorious creature. However, his pictures go far beyond merely depicting horses’ beauty. Stromberg, a former advertising photographer, had his first encounters with horses in the 1990s at a time when he was suffering from terrible burnout himself. But in these gentle companions, he found, in his words, teachers and soulmates who helped him regain a sense of peace. The deep connection to horses he has built since then is clearly evident in his photos, which is what makes them so special.

Código: L074-9783832734268
Código de barras: 9783832734268
Peso (kg): 1,880
Altura (cm): 32,00
Largura (cm): 24,60
Espessura (cm): 2,50
Autor Tony Stromberg
Editora Teneues
Encadernação CAPA DURA
Páginas 208

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  • Tony Stromberg

  • Teneues

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  • Ranking dos mais vendidos:

  • #159896 em Livros

  • #691 em Fotografia

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