• Live Your Best Life

Explore the science behind your daily living habits and make your day healthier, happier, and more productive.

Many of the activities we take for granted are in fact contrary to a healthy lifestyle. In this groundbreaking book, long-held beliefs are exploded by new science: drinking eight glasses a day is too much; breakfast isn''t the most important meal of the day; smartphones are not making us all depressed.

Bringing to bear the latest research in psychology, nutrition, biology, and physics, Dr. Stuart Farrimond unearths the facts behind the fads, and provides take-away advice on every area of our lives - and all delivered in Dr. Stu''s trademark style; approachable, authoritative, and above all, entertaining.

Live Your Best Life debunks pseudo-science and delivers only the facts. One day - one body - over 200 examples of science in action.

Código: L999-9781465493293
Código de barras: 9781465493293
Peso (kg): 0,753
Altura (cm): 22,38
Largura (cm): 17,78
Espessura (cm): 2,67
Autor Farrimond Stuart
Editora DK - Adult (US)
Encadernação CAPA DURA
Páginas 256
Ano de edição 2020
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Live Your Best Life