• The Big Book of Airplanes

From military planes to the commercial jumbo jet to space shuttles, the Big Book of Airplanes is a spectacular look at a subject that fascinates kids. Find out how farmers use planes to help manage their crops and get a look at the brightly colored planes at an airshow and find out how their designs help them pull off exciting stunts and acrobatics.Each type of plane gets its own spread and features multiple images to give kids a look inside. Captions and text on the page go into detail about how each plane operates and the different tasks it performs from the ultralight planes that are used for sport to the seaplanes that can land on water.With striking images and informative text, Big Book of Airplanes is the perfect guide for young readers who want to learn more about different aircrafts used around the world.

Código: L999-9781465445070
Código de barras: 9781465445070
Peso (kg): 0,680
Altura (cm): 36,35
Largura (cm): 28,09
Espessura (cm): 0,97
Autor DK
Editora DK - Children (US)
Encadernação CAPA DURA
Páginas 32
Ano de edição 2020
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The Big Book of Airplanes