• Chit Chat 1 Ab

Chit Chat is a two-level course for children starting English in primary school. It offers a child-friendly introduction to listening, speaking, reading and writing, and is suitable for use either on first contact with English or after an introductory oral-aural course. Chit Chat based an the highly successful formula of the Chatterbox series.

Código: L999-9780194378277
Código de barras: 9780194378277
Peso (kg): 0,400
Altura (cm): 27,70
Largura (cm): 21,00
Espessura (cm): 4,00
Editora OXFORD
Encadernação BROCHURA
Páginas 71
Ano de edição 2002
Faixa etária

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Chit Chat 1 Ab