• Top 10 Toronto

Save time, discover the 10 best of everything to see, buy, do, taste AND avoid ''Thank goodness for Top 10 guides.'' Mail on SundayWhatever you plan to do – whether you are travelling first class or on a limited budget – make sure you experience the best. With this easy to use, quick reference guide that slips into your bag, you can instantly find the top 10 best of everything.Discover the top views from the CN Tower, tastiest street snacks, must-see places for sports lovers, greatest excursions to Niagra Falls and bay, liveliest bars and restaurants, most fun places for kids, best hotels on every budget and much more. Keep it handy and ensure you don''t miss a thing!

Código: L999-9781405319324
Código de barras: 9781405319324
Peso (kg): 0,170
Altura (cm): 19,10
Largura (cm): 10,00
Espessura (cm): 0,90
Autor Eyewitness DK
Editora DK Eyewitness (UK)
Encadernação BROCHURA
Páginas 128
Ano de edição 2020
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Top 10 Toronto